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DIY Ballerina Tutu Cushion

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

I've been wanting to make these tulle tutu pillows for a while now, I kept seeing them online but they are very expensive. If you're anything like me (love re-creating things for cheaper) then this DIY is for you.

I will be showing you 2 options, one using a glue gun and the other is by using a sewing machine.

Supplies & Tools:

  • Fabric of your choice (50 cm x 50 cm) plus 2 cm seam allowance

  • Pillow form (or pillow stuffing)

  • Tulle (color of your choice)

  • Fabric markers -Stained by Sharpie- (to trace the ballerina)

  • Access to a printer (for the ballerina image) I will give other options if you don't want to trace the image

  • Scissors or rotary cutter and mat

  • Sewing machine

  • Fabric pins

  • Glue gun (if you don't want to sew or own a sewing machine)

  • Ruler


Lets Begin!

I've started by choosing a ballerina stock image and then printing it. As I wanted the ballerina to fill the center of the pillow, and I only have access to an A4 printer, I split the image to 2 A4 papers hence making it an A3 and then taping them together.


Lay your fabric out and then measure 50cm x 50cm and cut out 2 pieces. You can make this any size you want, just always remember to leave around 2 cm of seam allowance.

Easiest way is to fold the fabric and cut the pieces at the same time. (I learned that the hard way after a major trimmage situation).


The trimmage situation I was talking about :)


Take one of the fabric pieces, lay the ballerina printout underneath it, tape if necessary so the fabric doesn't shift, and with your fabric marker start tracing the drawing.

Do note that the marker did bleed a little but I was already knee deep in the project and it was too late to change plans at this stage (my fault for not trying out these markers with my fabric), so I came up with the below alternate suggestions for the ballerina:

  1. Use an applique shaped as a ballerina instead and sew around it

  2. Try an iron on transfer paper and iron the ballerina on the fabric

  3. or acrylic paint! Just paint her on the fabric.


Cut your tulle into several strips of 20 cm x 10 cm, again this depends on the size of your drawing and how long or short you want the tutu to be.

You will only need a few strips, I used around 6, so it depends how fluffy you want the skirt to be.


You then need to bunch up the tulle on one end and sew (or hot glue) them. After its gathered, place the tulle bunch on top of the ballerina skirt and position at her waste and sew (or hot glue). As shown below with the dotted red line.


Once you've sewn the skirt on the front panel with the ballerina, place both the front and the back pieces with the right sides facing each other and pin, leaving a gap of about 6 to 8 inches.

In case of hot gluing, apply hot glue one edge at a time so it does not dry quickly, leave a gap just as I stated above then flip right side out, fill with pillow stuffing and hot glue the remaining inch gap.


Sew the pillow together leaving a 1/2 inch seam allowance all around except the 6 inches we left earlier. Once done, flip the pillow case and start filling it with pillow stuffing. For the 6 inch remaining gap hand sew with a ladder stitch or machine sew if you want to get it done quick!


And here is the final pillow..

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